| '-+Electronic copyright
| '--++DMCA
| '--++Links &
| '-+Interoperability
| '-+Licensing
| '--++Cyberlicenses
| '--++Open Source
| '--++Shrinkwrap
| '--++UCITA
| '-+MP3s
| '-+ Online Notes
| '-+Pat. & Copyr. Law
| '--++Fair Use
| '--+++Technology
| '--++Software Patents
| '-+Peer-to-Peer
| '-+Software Piracy
| '--++CD-RW
| '--++Internet Dwnlds
|-Speech |
Lecture Notes
Intro: Bingo Software (Johnson, Scenario 4.2).
Bingo Software, employing 15-20 people, spends 3 yrs. developing an OS
for networked µcomputers, invests $2M.
Bingo successfully markets system for 1 yr.
After the 1st year, sales decrease.
Pirate Pete's Software starts to sell a system very similar to Bingo's,
but w/addnl. features.
Seems that they have examined Bingo's & copied it, w/improvmenets.
Copying of Bingo's system is rampant.
Small businesses appear to be buying 1 copy and making multiple copies
for int'l. use.
They may be giving away copies to other businesses as well.
Bingo is unable to recover the full costs of development, and goes into
Software piracy: the extent.
Software industry estimates that $8.1B of software was stolen in 1994.
In 1990, $2.4B was stolen; sales were only $5.7B.
Software Publishers Assn.
says that piracy appears to be declining.
situation is even worse.
Business Software Alliance claims--
In Germany, a recent survey disclosed that there are fewer programs purchased
than computers.
[This data is a couple of yrs. old, I think.]
In US, 1.5 legitimate software packages sold for every personal computer--BSA.
0.82 in Australia.
0.65 in France.
0.4 in Italy.
But at least rate of piracy is falling.
Between 1993 & 1994, Spain's
dropped to est. 73% from 88%, due to tough new law.
In Finland, rate fell to 43% from 67%, after jail sentences were imposed
for illegal copying.
Worst area is E. Europe.
In former Soviet Republics & in Turkey, est. 97% of software is stolen;
95% in Bulgaria & Romania.
Sued Justice Dept. for software
In 1982, Inslaw landed a $10M contract w/Justice Dept. to instal PROMIS
case-tracking software in 20 offices.
Then they allegedly spent $8M enhanc ing PROMIS on the assumption that
they could renegotiate contract to recoup expenses.
But after Justice Dept. got the source code, they terminated contract and
pirated code.
By 1985, Inslaw was forced into bankruptcy.
Owners kept fighting, & case ended up in U.S. Bankruptcy Ct. for DC.
In Feb. '88, Inslaw was awarded $6.8M damages, plus legal fees.
The only way Inslaw was able to sue the feds was because they were in the
middle of bankruptcy proceedings.
Then in 1991, Danny
Casolaro, an investigative journalist researching for a poss. book
on the case was found dead in a WV mote
In 1992, House Judiciary Cmte. voted to hold an investigation into the
Hadron, Inc., owned by a friend of Atty. Gen. Edwin
Meese, was attempting a hostile takeover of Inslaw.
Software piracy: the methods.
How does one get pirated software?
Counterfeit packaging.
In 1991, Microsoft unveiled MS-DOS 5.
The package contained two holograms that Microsoft said were "virtually
impossible" to reproduce.
"... raise the counterfeiting barrier to a level previously unattempted
in the sfotware industry."
Within 2 wks., a Taiwanese
counterfeiter commissioned a holographer in China to copy & produce
the holograms.
In October '91, a salesman calling on a software store in Taipei saw a
package that "didn't look quite right."
One of specialists
said, "We were in shock. No one could believe it happened."
An NYT article in 1992 said that the Chinese gov't. hadn't decided whether
to turn over the molds that produce nearly exact fak
First CD-ROM prosecution in 1993.
NYT, 12/13/93
Federal govt. indicted Clare Waioi Sham of San Jose on charges of importing
900 counterfeit CD-ROM disks from Hong Kong.
Along w/18K counterfeit user manuals.
June 1992: FBI raided a BBS known as Davey
Jones's Locker: 200 comercial programs that could be downloaded.
Finally, in Mar.1995, Richard D. Kenadek,
operator of the BBS, was sentenced to 6 months' home confinement &
24 mos. probation.
He charged $99/yr. for access, let users download 200 programs.
Was first software copyright prosecution under criminal law.
LaMacchia, and a Brown student were indicted in April '94.
LaMacchia case was thrown out last Dec. 29.-->
Was not wire fraud--who was defrauded?
Was not copyright violation--he didn't do it for financial gain.
Was not theft--legitimate users weren't deprived of anything.
Brown student Daniel Goldwater didn't collect fees either.
BSA says that the most common way piracy happens is when management encourages
E.g. Cerebrus Sound & Vision (New Scientist, 2/18/95).
You buy a "player" with a digital key.
You buy music & it is sent to you over Internet.
It is compatible w/your player (only).
Software Publishers Association asks the following policy.
Appoint a software mgr. repsonsible for keeping records on purchases and
software use.
Develop a software code
of ethics, and make sure employees read it.
Keep a software log, including records of when a program is purchased,
who is to use it, and on which machine it is to reside.
If not dealt with, problem will escalate.
Quicktime software makes it easy for personal computer users to add
snippets of digital video to their programs.
Beverly Sills visited China
& Japan & saw hundreds of her CDs in covers she had never seen
Software piracy law.
The law.
Passed by Congress in October 1992.
Illegally copying software for private or commercial gain is now a felony.
Penalties: 5 years in prison, or fine up to $250K.
If made more than 10 copies of software,
carrying a retail value of > $2500.
To receive max. penalty, the retail value of pirated software would have
to exceed $80M.
How are violators caught? A disgruntled employee will turn you in.
Report from Datamation,
May 1995.
"Company with above-average honesty quotient and a zealous microcomputer
support manager" spent months negotiating with SPA.
A terminated employee had called their 800
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