title-intellectual.gif (2878 bytes)
title-piracy.gif (2099 bytes)

|- Basics
|- Commerce
|- Computer Abuse
|- Intellectual Prop.
| '-+ Pat. & Copyr. Law
| '-+ Electronic Copyr.
| '-+ Software Piracy
|- Privacy
|- Risks
|- Social-Just. Issues
|- Speech

Discussion Questions

The CadSoft Case

This is a discussion of the CadSoft anti-piracy defense case. CadSoft created a "demo" program that searched the user's hard disk for bootleg copies of their programs. Be sure to read the articles on the CadSoft case, and related articles on software piracy on the same page. Then comment on these questions.
  1. Was it ethical for CadSoft to search for bootleg copies of its programs in this way?
  2. Would it have been possible for CadSoft to incorrectly identify someone as a pirate?
  3. If companies pursue anti-piracy policies like this, what abuses are possible? Are these abuses serious risks?

Index of TopicStudy Guide - Lecture Notes - Discussion Questions