ID Cards
Social-Justice Issues

National ID Cards

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Existing Forms OF National ID

Would a National ID Card be anything new? The drivers license and the social security cards are already to forms that are considered de facto National ID cards. While most government agencies, except a few like the IRS, cannot demand this number, the private sector has no such restrictions..

  • Are Drivers Licenses and Social Security cards existing system that represent reason against the correlation and collection of a larger database?
  • Instead of creating something new, how about improving what is already recognized?

    What Would a National ID Card System Comprise

    In the mid 1990's national IDs were part of congressional immigration reform talks. However, now, in the wake of Sept. 11, it has become matter of national security. An ID card that uses photographs, fingerprints, and even biometrics can take on many forms of ID. Would a system implemented in heist in the wake of a National tragedy, be a better, well thought out system? Or is time still needed to digest what has happened?
  • The National ID System was the Solution to illegal immigration in the mid 1990's.
  • National ID won't solve terrorism

    What is the social impact of such a system of National IDs? How much of our privacy are we willing to give up in order to keep our country safe?
  • Is our privacy at risk?
  • Will it work?

    Biometric is the big word when speaking of a national system. The successful capturing and analyzing of biometric s(fingerprints, photographs, signatures, etc..) from birth to death. Also, an ID card matching the biometric s stored on the card with the live data of the card holder. It would be difficult to have alias, national health, financial transitions. Criminals required to register would find it hard to hide. Just when Identity theft was becoming a crime of choice, could it disappear just as fast?

    After Sept 11, 2001, Would A National ID Card be an Emotional Decision or a Good Decision
  • Is War a good time for government to seek a National ID card, while the country distracted?

    Once power is released, it is like old Pandora's box, it will not return. Which one will it deter? A multimillion dollar financed terrorists operation. Or immigrants providing some services that many American, are not fighting to do, to send money back home.
  • A national ID card system could be a erosion of liberty.
  • How much more of your Information has been given out Since Sept 11
  • Can you trust anyone or thing, governments, technology
  • Isn't It to late to be Concerned about losing Privacy
  • Congress Passes the Real ID Act

    On May 5, 2005, Congress passed a controversial new law entitled the Real ID Act. This law requires all States to issue nationally standardized drivers licenses by 2008. These new identification cards will sore at a minimum your name, date of birth, sex, ID number, a digital photograph, and your address. The passing of this law came with much controversy. The Real ID Act was actually part of a lager bill designed to provide support for troops in Iraq and victims of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Proponents of the bill claim that a new identification standard is desperately needed in order to protect our country from terrorist. While opponents of the bill not only question the manner in which it was passed but also claim that creating a centralized database of personal information will increase the chances of identity theft.

  • Real ID Act Attached to "Must-Pass" Spending Bill Imposes Anti-Immigrant Measures
  • National Battle Continues
  • Industry Groups Support Real ID Act
