Here are the old versions of the study guides for Cookies, one for Web Privacy and one for Database Privacy. Privacy

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|- Basics
|- Commerce
|- Computer Abuse
|- Intellectual Prop.
|- Privacy
| '-+ Cookies
| '-+ Databases
| '-+ E-mail
| '-+ Web
| '-+ Encryption
| '-+ Anonymity
| '-+ Spamming
|- Risks
|- Social-Just. Issues
|- Speech Issues

Study Guide

Cookie Basics

    What is a cookie? A cookie is a way for a place you visit on the World Wide Web site to remember that you've visited the site and possibly to retain some information about you.
    How do cookies work? When users connect to a site, the site condenses information about the users into a string of information that gets stored on their machine. When the users reconnect to that site, the site will search their cookie file to see if they have been there before.
    What are cookies used for? Online ordering, Site personalization, Website tracking, Targeted Marketing

Ethical Issues

Publicized Cases

Index of Topic - Study Guide